When many people hear “nuclear” they think of the disasters
of Chernobyl and 3 Mile Island, or more recently the meltdown at Fukushima in
2011. These events coupled with the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation has
led to a stagnation in research, especially in the United States. While we
cannot deny the dangers of nuclear energy and material, we should also
acknowledge the benefits and the possibility that further research could solve
or mitigate the dangers. Thorium Nuclear Reactors have this potential, to
change the way we view nuclear energy and revolutionize the world.
Thorium crystal |
At this point, most people would ask, “Is this some new
miracle-cure or a dream scientists have been chasing like cold-fusion?” The answer
would be neither. Thorium was seen as a potential energy source in the 1960s, an
experimental reactor was created and tested at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory in the 1960s using a Molten-Salt Reactor, which we will discuss more
in-depth later. Even though thorium is about 3 times more abundant in the earth
than uranium (the fuel used in almost all commercial reactors worldwide),
further study was discontinued in the US, and most other countries. Multiple sources point to the disadvantage of thorium at that time, the nuclear process
did not produce easily-weaponized nuclear material, unlike uranium and plutonium.
Recently funding was denied to a project by Dr. Carlo Rubbia in 2000, a Nobel
laureate and former director of CERN. Some thorium experts argue that the
European Energy Commission, along with the US Department of Energy, is biased
against thorium because of the large, in-place investments in mining and utilizing
While other countries, like India and China, have recently
delved into the realm of thorium reactors, the state of information about
thorium in the world news is dancing on the fringes. Tech magazines such as
Wired or web resources such as Tech News Daily have glowing reports of thorium
reactors and every once and a while a big news source such as Forbes or the
Washington Post will elaborate on a new development. However, compared to the
green tech such as wind, solar or even wave power, there is only a little
exposure. This can be explained by market penetration, more commercialization
equals more news exposure, and research funding, it is much cheaper to fund a
few million dollars for a wind turbine study than a couple hundred million for
an experimental reactor. Along with the stigma of nuclear energy, the entrenched
forces of the current energy industry, both uranium-based and hydrocarbon-based
companies, may fight any implementations of large changes.
Molten Salt Reactor from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
While thorium is much more abundant than uranium or
plutonium, using the Molten Salt Reactor design, a thorium reactor is much more
efficient. Dr. Rubbia argues that 1 ton of thorium produces as much energy as
200 tons of uranium or 3,500,000 tons of coal. This is possible through thorium's inherent properties and the
different reactor design, which can harnesses up to 98% of the available energy
in a given volume of thorium, compared to the typical 3% of energy to volume of
uranium. Some put this efficiency rate at 50%, which is still much higher than
uranium. The salt is a mixture of the thorium fuel and sodium fluoride, which
has an added safety feature, the mixture can exist at high temperatures but low
pressures, which would prevent the pressured-caused explosions at Fukushima and
Chernobyl (other fuels can be used in this design but thorium is the most
efficient). Coupled with this would be a plug of solid salt in the molten
chamber, cooled by an electric system. When the power goes out, the plug would
melt, allowing the molten salt to passively cool in a larger chamber, which
would end the nuclear conversion process. These multiple safety features could assuage the fears of many anti-nuclear activists, possibly bring the risk of a meltdown to 0.
This high efficiency is the largest downfall of a thorium
reactor, first it needs a large input of energy for the process to begin,
Rubbia suggests using a large particle accelerator which alone would cost over
500 million euros. Yet this process can use weapons-grade plutonium, thus "using up" the huge stockpile of warhead-grade plutonium we have worldwide. The other side of the
efficiency rate is that the chamber holding the molten salt would need to be
designed to meet the high temperatures and degradation caused by the nuclear
reaction. Coupled with this is the problem of converting thorium into useable uranium-233,
the thorium is first converted into protactinium-233, then to uranium while
some atoms turns into protactinium-234 which cannot be used in the fissile (nuclear fuel)
material. This unwanted product would need to be filtered out and a efficient
process is still being worked on.
Some people call thorium the “magic silver bullet.” With
high energy-to-volume conversion rates, abundant to the point that thorium is a
waste product when mining for rare earth minerals, and a much shorter half-life
(only a few hundred years compared to the thousands of years of uranium), at
minimum thorium should be further investigated as a potential alternative to
conventional nuclear fuel. Perhaps with enough funding thorium could power the
This was very interesting. You did a great job explaining Thorium and you thoroughly analyzed the benefits of it, while still including some of the cons. I also like the combination of facts, links and pictures.